Python SDK Cheatsheet

A quick debrief of the most important commands to know when using the codePost Python SDK

For more details on using the codePost Python SDK checkout the following resources:


# Install codepost SDK
# pip install codepost

import codepost

# Find your API Key on your codePost Admin Dashboard

courses = codepost.course.list_available()
courses = codepost.course.list_available(name="CS101")

Filtering Lazy Lists

course = codepost.course.list_available()[0]

assignment = course.assignments.by_name('Hello World')

rubricCategory = assignment.rubricCategories.by_name('Style')

section = course.sections.by_name('Section 1')

Basic CRUD

course = codepost.course.list_available()[0]
assignment = course.assignments.by_name('Hello World')

# Create a submission
submission = codepost.submission.create(, students=['[email protected]'])

# Create a file and add it to the submission
file = codepost.file.create(name="", code="print('hello world')", extension="py",

# Just to demonstrate, retrieve the same submission
submission = codepost.submission.retrieve(

# Create another file
file2 = codepost.file.create(name="", code="print('loops')", extension="py",

# Refresh the submission

# Update file code
file = submission.files.by_name('')
codepost.file.update(, code="print('goodbye world')")


# Delete the submission

Get Roster

course = codepost.course.list_available()[0]
roster = codepost.roster.retrieve(

Get Submissions

course = codepost.course.list_available()[0]
assignment = course.assignments.by_name('Hello World')

# List all submissions for the assignment
submissions = assignment.list_submissions()

# Filter the submissions for the assignment
submissions = assignment.list_submissions(student='[email protected]')
submissions = assignment.list_submissions(grader='[email protected]')