"id": 1, // assigned by codePost API
"assignment": 1,
"name": "Style",
"pointLimit": 10,
"rubricComments" : [], // no RubricComments yet
"sortKey": 0,
"helpText" : "Only apply one rubric comment from this category per submission",
"atMostOnce": false,
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | integer | Unique identifier for the object. |
name | string | The name of the rubric category. |
assignment | integer | ID of the Assignment to which this Rubric Category belongs. |
pointLimit | integer | The maximum number of points which can be deducted by Comments linked to Rubric Comments from this Rubric Category , per Submission . A negative number indicates a maximum number of points which can be added. A pointLimit of 0 indicates that no points can be added or deducted; a pointLimit of null indicates no cap. |
rubricComments | array of strings | The Rubric Comment s that belong to this rubric category. |
sortKey | integer | The key which determines the order in which all rubric categories are presented in the codePost UI. Low keys are shown first. |
helpText | string | Text shown next to this rubric category to users in the Code Review Console. Use this space to provide additional instructions to graders. |
atMostOnce | boolean | A setting. If True, at most one comment linked to rubric comments from this category can be applied per submission from the Code Console. Defaults to False. |